note: these articles were written for a cyber-column I was doing on one of my ISPs, who has since gotten out of that business...

The Networkologist

A series of articles dealing with technologies relating to Local & Wide Area Networking (LAN/WAN).

by Jeffrey L. Carrell

I am an international consultant with over ten years experience in the internetworking industry. Some of the services I provide are:

In addition, I am also the Electronic Communications Chairman for the IEEE Fort Worth Section. I assist members in aspects of Internet connectivity and usage, and conduct Internet seminars to IEEE groups, as well as other interested organizations. I also write an Internet or related technology article for Signals, the monthly newsletter for the Section.

Having just signed on with StarText.Net, it occured to me that I could also write about and make available some of the technology areas I have an interest in, and maybe others of y'all do as well.

So, more or less every month, I'll have a new article available. I have an idea for a series on LAN (Local Area Networking) technology, that will start from basics and continue all the way through how to build a LAN. I will also from time to time have an article available that may deal with a specific new emerging technology, that is "hot".

To begin with, my first article is on 56Kbps modems.

So, sit back, 'surf' around, and most importantly - enjoy yourself.

Copyright © 1996 Jeffrey L. Carrell. All Rights Reserved

Have a question or want to know more details about e-mail, the Internet, electronic communications or related technologies? Send me a note and I'll try to discuss it in a future article. If your company or organization would like an Internet or Networking presentation let me know. (no commercial pitch)

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